Q. What kind of schools would you have?

There would be only one type of school - one where all children, regardless of their religion, would attend.

There would be no unidenominational schools, no interdenominational schools, no joint service schools, - just schools where children learn and teachers teach.


Q. How would teachers be hired?

Teachers would be hired for their ability to teach. No teacher would be hired or fired based on religion.


Q. Who would hire teachers?

The School Board would. There would be no role for the churches or denominational committees.


Q. How would School Boards be elected?

Anyone over 18 and a Canadian citizen could run for School Boards. There would be no "at large" seats and no "denominational" seats.


Q. Would there be another school registration and designation process?

No. There would be no need. Children would no longer be separated by religion - they would all go to school together.


Q. Would religious education be available in schools?

Yes, religious education classes and observances such as bible stories, prayers and pageants would be permitted.

Religious education curriculum studies would be available for instruction in schools.